Countdown: 7, 6, 5 …
Posted on | August 16, 2009 | Comments Off on Countdown: 7, 6, 5 …
This time next week, the Tiburon Art Festival will be behind me. (I know I was there, but I am really not sure where this summer went, and with such speed!)
YAY FOR THE FESTIVAL! So much preparation, but a great chance for me to learn how to and then actually establish an entity for marketing and selling my art.
This coming Thursday, there is a party for the participating artists (plus one, which is always a good thing), with festival sponsors. Pre-festival festivities! Good stuff.
Today, I sat down and created the labels and price lists that have been in draft form since last weekend. I also printed and reviewed the instruction files that I received to go with this piece of equipment:
20 tested charge slips and two cut fingers later, it seems like this imprinter is ready to … imprint. Awesome. I won’t bore you with the details of tension screws and plastic shims, but rest assured that they are in there, and are now appropriately tense and shimmed.
But enough of Sunday. Saturday was much more sparkly and interesting. Saturday was an absolutely delightful day of cupcake making, tea partying, picnicking (on a blanket, in the upstairs hallway), game playing, park slide sliding and swing riding, and soap bubble blowing, among other things. Marc and I had the distinct pleasure of looking after a truly delightful and darling four-year old girl while her parents/our friends headed to Napa for a day of fine wine and super fine dining.
Dennis, the Very Large Bear who lives in our guest room, remains tucked-in following this very considerate little girl’s request that he be looked-after at bedtime:
I took this photo a little while ago–it seems Dennis is still a bit tired after yesterday’s activities. Marc and I, however, are absolutely no worse for the wear. In fact, we continue to enjoy some of the funnier points of the day. For example, during Park Visit #1, our young charge was near one of the climbing structures and a 4-year old boy came over. Their conversation went like this:
Girl: “I have a Tinkerbell suitcase.” (which she used to bring fun stuff, like Play-Doh, to our house.)
Boy: “I have superpowers. Feel my muscles!” (as he pinched just above the elbow while he flexed.)
In other news, I remain a little bit bummed that Birthday Art arrived damaged at my sister’s place. OK, I’m actually a lot bummed. It seems that the styrofoam corners that were used to protect the beads on the painting actually somehow melted into the paint and left a dotty, white-imprinted mess on all four corners.
I am waiting for a better picture of the damage. Then we’ll decide whether she will send it back to me for me to repair, or what. My sister insists she loves the painting anyway. And I love her for this (among many other reasons), but I really hate that it got messed up en route.
Does anyone know at what temperature acrylic melts? Or what might have happened so I can avoid this kind of damage in the future? I’m sure this is a chemistry question that I have zero hope of solving. I’d love to know what materials are safest for packing acrylic paintings for shipment. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.