Kelly's Studio

Art and other sparkly things.

Fabulous Flowers

Posted on | August 17, 2009 | Comments Off on Fabulous Flowers

I love my friends.

This morning around 11, I returned to my desk to see the red message light lit on my phone.  That light rarely means “SPECIAL DELIVERY” in a good way, but today was an exception.  Look what had arrived for me!


I brought them home tonight so I could enjoy them in a less paper-filled environment than my office.

An original limerick came with this lovely bouquet as well:


It occurs to me that “cease” should maybe be substituted for the second “feast.”  And I have to say that I can’t blame the florist’s message-taker for getting stuck on “feast”–he or she was maybe a bit overwhelmed by the cleverness of the rhyme and the thoughtfulness of the gift.  (I mean, I was totally surprised and overwhelmed … )  This kind of mistake could happen to anyone.  Especially if that person was VERY hungry …

I am looking forward to writing proper thank-you notes for these, but in the meantime, I just wanted to share that my friends are awesome, with a side of fabulous, and a heaping serving of wonderful.  (Thanks again, you two.)


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