Kelly's Studio

Art and other sparkly things.

Me, Looking at You.

A few months ago, I mentioned we’d be replacing the photos under the “About” tab on my website with some new and improved ones that were a little bit friendlier (and a whole lot better lit). Marc delved back into the photos while I was painting yesterday. I’m pleased to announce that the new photos […]

So long low season?

I’ve been thinking for weeks about working on some new paintings.  I wasn’t quite ready to dive in until today, though. Last Sunday, I ran the Big Sur Half Marathon.  It was fabulous and gorgeous and my time was 10 minutes faster than the half marathon I ran this past February.  My improved time really […]


Last weekend, I turned another year older. Yay! for birthday celebrations; boo! for another year under the belt. (*sigh*) Family and friends helped distract me from the getting older part and I had a fantastic birthday.  I enjoyed several awesome birthday song renditions, including the musical stylings of dezervision live on my telephone while I […]