Kelly's Studio

Art and other sparkly things.

Big Day!

Today Marc finished wrapped up version 1.0 of my website.  The “most interesting part” might have been the pop-up windows.  But I’m not sure.  The whole thing has taken a lot of time.  And it seems to me that anything that involves HTML, CSS, JSP, PHP, and Smarty Templates is Pretty Involved. I just kept […]


Just for the record, next time there’s a nut recall (which is bound to be soon, at the rate we’re going), I will throw out any potentially infected nut product in my pantry.  The pistachios I ate last night were my undoing in the middle of the night, and they have kept me from my […]

Building a Wardrobe

I love fishnets. I don’t know why. I just do. And now I have two styles to add to the four dresses.

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