Artist Statement in 50 words (or less) … go!
Posted on | June 7, 2009 | Comments Off on Artist Statement in 50 words (or less) … go!
So, big news! I was juried into the Tiburon Art Festival. The jury was Kenneth Baker, art critic for the San Francisco Chronicle since 1985, and Kimberly Johansson, a curator and gallerist based in San Francisco, California.
I’m really excited! I’ll post more details as the event gets closer, but mark your calendars and plan to come visit me at my tent the weekend of August 22 and 23.
In addition to taking care of some business aspects of this art-tent-adventure, I need to write a “short artist statement (50 words or less).” If the website looks like the one from last year, it will list the photo of the work I submitted for judging (“Wedding Dress”), my name, my statement, and a link to my website.
Fifty words sounded like a lot until I actually started writing. Then I realized that all 50 words can get used up pretty quickly. On top of that, it’s … challenging … to write enticing copy to promote one’s own work. Anyway. Here’s the current draft. It has more oomph than my first draft, thanks to help from a couple of awesome friends of mine.
San Francisco artist Kelly White uses acrylics and mixed media to create vibrant abstract paintings of the beauty found in the details of life. Her recent work depicts women’s clothing and accessories. From fishnet stockings to motorcycle jackets, Kelly applies an offbeat perspective to capture an item’s essence on canvas.
Exactly 50 words. Phew!
Any additional suggestions for improvement? Please share. I’ve still got some time before it’s due.