Flower Power
Posted on | July 28, 2009 | Comments Off on Flower Power
I have been so busy lately! I’ve been getting ready for the Tiburon Art Festival, which has meant diving headfirst and flailing into Photoshop (“WHERE IS THE PAINT BUCKET TOOL??”), creating post cards, banners, prints and chatting with people who know things about art festivals. I’ve also spent time revising parts of my website. (Check out my new “About” tab along the top! Big thanks to Kelly Parkinson at Copylicious for the excellent tips for a douche-free bio) And then, of course, there’s last Saturday, which I decided I needed to spend swimming and running …
Anyway, the bottom line is I have been setting aside less and less time to actually PAINT. I miss it!
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, I took some very colorful photos of the hydrangea flowers in our garden. (They’re still blooming like crazy, by the way, but lots of the new flowers are much paler pink …) Ever since then, I’ve been thinking about how I would like to represent them in a painting.
I am happy to report that the painting finally came together. I went with a deep green background, the suggestion of leaves, and the lush, sort of springy and yet somehow still delicate extra-pink-with-a-side-of-pink blossoms.
See what you think. This one is 14″ x 14″, and I am pretty sure it’s done … but I may tweak it a little bit more in the next few days. We’ll have to see.
