Posted on | September 7, 2009 | Comments Off on WTF.ORG?
So the “Not So Sparkly” blog entry from Friday, the one where I vowed to write more about everything, including the eponymous not-so-sparkly-stuff, and explained how bummed I was about the Art in Storefronts project … all that … GONE!
I didn’t delete the post, but it is gone. Gone, gone, gone! Where did it go? As of writing this, the link is still on my Facebook fan page, along with an excerpt of the now DISAPPEARED post.
WTF? Or, more accurately, WTF.ORG? As in, I am way more outraged than the usual WTF, which could indicate mild annoyance, irritation or confusion, depending on my tone.
I realize this is most likely the result of some kind of glitchy computer weirdness, but I remember the admonition, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.” Also, are there gappers for blogs, like there were for goats in Frip? And if there are, why did they love my words to death?
(Marc is on the case … apparently the fact my website was down last hints at the reason why data in my blog was lost … stay tuned for a strongly worded memo, oh-keepers-of-my-website-data.)