Posted on | November 1, 2009 | 1 Comment
Last weekend, I turned another year older. Yay! for birthday celebrations; boo! for another year under the belt. (*sigh*) Family and friends helped distract me from the getting older part and I had a fantastic birthday. I enjoyed several awesome birthday song renditions, including the musical stylings of dezervision live on my telephone while I opened a lovely and perfectly-fitted black jacket. Marc took me to Aziza for dinner, which was fabulous. We had tried to go to a Moroccan restaurant while we were in Madrid, but because we just wandered by it and didn’t have a reservation, we were turned away. When we returned home (but before Michelin announced that it was awarding it a star), Marc made a surprise birthday dinner reservation at Aziza. The food was amazing, the staff was wonderful, and we were pleasantly surprised when they thanked us for our patience in being seated by presenting us with a drink from the bar and a dessert on the house. I’ve never been happier to wait 30 minutes for a reservation.
Birthday Week Celebrations continued when Marc gave me a laptop. I’m typing on it right now. But I’m sure you can see the the difference even without my telling you, right? Now that I’ve gone portable I may become a better more regular blogger. We’ll have to see.
The week continued as it usually does, and I had planned to get started on some new paintings on Friday when I was off work, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I did a bunch of errands and finally took my scooter in for the BIG post-tumble repair. While the darling was in the shop, I caught up with Little Dictators and went pumpkin shopping. I found one pumpkin desperately in need of a face (carving!) and one to eat (oh, delicious pumpkin, how I love to cook and eat you). Friday night brought carving and pumpkin seed roasting.

Necessary Tools

Getting To Work

Hello, eyes!

Almost done.


Saturday night was filled with adorable trick-or-treaters, many compliments on our most impressively carved pumpkin to date, and an absolutely fabulous pumpkin risotto (merci beaucoup, Mme. Farigoule et Peter Mayle).
I missed your birthday! Damn me. I need stupid facebook to tell me these things, but I don’t think your info is wired in. Anyway, happy birthday. You are beautiful, wicked smart, super creative, and enviably athletic. Cheers to you, darling.