Say wot?
Posted on | April 25, 2009 | Comments Off on Say wot?
A jaunt to Sonoma for a bit of wine-tasting-and-wine-purchase-pick-up made for a delightful afternoon. But on the way home, it got even better. I received an email from Wotartist, saying that they had reviewed my site, and they would be including my website on theirs!
Wotartist is among Time Magazine’s top 50 websites of 2007, an “elegantly designed portal” which is “a beautiful introduction to artist websites from around the world.”
I am very excited to be included among the wotartists. Cheers!
Big Day!
Posted on | April 11, 2009 | 1 Comment

Earrings, Acrylic, 8" x 8"
Today Marc finished wrapped up version 1.0 of my website. The “most interesting part” might have been the pop-up windows. But I’m not sure. The whole thing has taken a lot of time. And it seems to me that anything that involves HTML, CSS, JSP, PHP, and Smarty Templates is Pretty Involved.
I just kept painting, listening to “Wait, Wait-Don’t Tell Me” podcasts from the other room.
Here are a few more pieces to fill-in the wardrobe.

Suede Boots, Acrylic, 20" x 10"

Watch, Acrylic, 20" x 10"
Posted on | April 5, 2009 | Comments Off on Shoes!
Just for the record, next time there’s a nut recall (which is bound to be soon, at the rate we’re going), I will throw out any potentially infected nut product in my pantry. The pistachios I ate last night were my undoing in the middle of the night, and they have kept me from my bike ride. BAH!
But they did not keep me from painting.
I’ve just finished two pairs of shoes to add to the wardrobe.

Black Heels, Acrylic, 12" x 12"

Silver Shoes, Acrylic, 12" x 12"
Building a Wardrobe
Posted on | March 29, 2009 | Comments Off on Building a Wardrobe
I love fishnets. I don’t know why. I just do.
And now I have two styles to add to the four dresses.
We Are NY
Posted on | March 29, 2009 | Comments Off on We Are NY
How do you create a work that “[best embodies] New York conversations that are redefining and re-imagining the 21st century landscape?”
I’m not sure, but I gave it a shot, because The Greene Space, WNYC’s new multi-platform, multimedia performance, and broadcast space, sounds really cool.
Here are a few photos–not enough for a good flip-book, sadly, but enough to give you an idea of how this piece evolved:
“New York City is beautiful, colorful, and disgusting. It is organized and chaotic. And if you don’t know what you want, you had better get out of the way. But New York is a city like any other where people live, work, and die. How do the people connect? How do they participate? How do they leave their mark? They struggle, just like everyone, but they succeed, fail, and persevere on arguably the greatest stage known to man.”
One of the most interesting aspects of working on this piece was the creative dialogue that informed my painting. My friends at Billibatt Productions and dezervision are brilliant. We had many New York conversations. Did those conversations manage to “redefine and re-imagine the 21st century landscape?” Maybe, but it doesn’t really matter, because they were absolutely fascinating.
Practically speaking, I also learned during the earliest stages of this project that this 60″ x 48″ canvas is the largest canvas I can fit in my car.
Art: Raw; Gallery: Packed
Posted on | February 24, 2009 | Comments Off on Art: Raw; Gallery: Packed
Before February 19, I had never seen so many people or so much art all in one small space. But for the Art: Raw Gallery opening, we got both. Here is a photo of one area of the gallery, just to give you an idea of what it was like.
Or, if you prefer the written description, my friend (who watched 45 minutes of the streaming feed, in an effort to see whether I literally emerged as an artist) reported that we looked “mahvelous,” but suggested that except for some interesting cleavage shots, the streaming feed was not terribly riveting. (So much for Unscripted Gallery Reality TV.) He also added, “Must have been chilly in good ol’ New York. Everyone appeared to be dressed as if they were heading to Ice Station Zebra; plus, it looked jammed in that place.” Well said.
Fortunately, this was another example where actually being there was much more exciting than being on the other end of the webcam. I would probably feel differently, however, if I were claustrophobic.
It was a little bit of a hunt to find where my paintings had been hung. But we found them. Eventually. I was immediately relieved to see that they had arrived intact and so happy that they had been hung this way as a foursome.
They were hung about thigh-high, which gives you an idea of of how they managed to fit so much on the walls of this place.
I was thrilled to see so many people I knew who came out for the opening! Friends from high school, college, San Francisco, and New York. It was so much MORE than it would have ever occurred to me to imagine. And so I dub this event awesome with a side of awesomeness.
The Gift of Domain
Posted on | February 18, 2009 | Comments Off on The Gift of Domain
Marc gave me a domain name for Christmas, which was really awesome, because I had been saying I wanted a website. When he emailed me the domain name (because how else do you give someone the gift of domain), I immediately exclaimed (also by email) that I was the Master Of My Domain! (No, not Mistress, it would not be that kind of site.)
Later that day, and for days after, I kept going on about how I wanted to know how to build the site. I am pretty sure I even said that I actually wanted to build it all myself. Right on. Marc was going to tutor me through it. We bought books! I read articles! And I and checked Wikipedia for the meaning of just about every third word. Marc would totally not get stuck building my website.
Instead, he got stuck explaining really basic web stuff to me for hours and answering all my questions (as if it really matters what “HTML” stands for). Eventually, I either got bored or he skillfully redirected me so I thought I did, and I started sketching out out how I wanted the pages to look. And . . . Marc started building. When there was something to look at, I was like, “What does it look like if you move that over there?” And then I was all, “Just a tiny bit more to the left.” And then I was like, “Can you put it back where it was before? But what about BOLD! Or Italics?” So much for my grand and ambitious website construction plans. Middle management, here I come. But I’ve learned lots of tech terms, acronyms, and thanks to my lack of involvement, the site is really coming along!
My First Post. Ever.
Posted on | February 8, 2009 | 6 Comments
My Website is now live, and it links to My Blog. I have never had a website or a blog, so this is pretty daunting exciting!
More later . . .